I was reminded of an earlier post (“Paronomasia in Proverbs” [For Every Jack There’s a Jill]”) by seeing the pair animadverted upon therein once again this morning in the same venue, for which denigration I had been rightly admonished at the time by my magical daughter. The couple’s smiles and affectionate gestures toward each other warmed one’s heart and recalled the justice of the admonition, hence this post, by way of recognition and remediation.

One does not have to be a Christian to recognize the supernal standing of Gk Agápe (ἀγάπη agápē) by comparison with Éros (ἔρως érōs). From a Hebrew perspective (as pointed out to Y-H-B long ago by his father), what counts is טוב לב (lev tov ‘good heart’).