M. Shapiro ParadoxM. Shapiro ParadoxRussian stress
Metonymic Structure of Pushkin’s Little Tragedies
Metonymy in Pushkin’s Little Tragedies:biblio
A Few Remarks on Jakobson as a Student of Peirce
Sapir’s Concept of Drift in Semiotic Perspective
[Chinese Semiotic Studies] Roman Jakobson in Retrospect
Value Systems and Language Change: Grammatical Hypertrophy in Present-Day American English
The Speaking Self: Discontinuous Lexica, Multilingualism, and Linguistic Competence
Markedness, Causation, and Linguistic Change
Broad and Flat A in Marked Words
Dynamic Interpretants and Grammar
Aspects of A Neo-Peircean Linguistics
On a Universal Criterion of Rule Coherence
Wimp English [coauthor, Marianne Shapiro]
A Case of Distant Assimilation: /str/ → /∫tr/
The Change of Government of ‘commit’
The Reduplicative Copula IS IS
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