- Hypertrophic Designations of Past Time: Avoidance of Placeless Existence?
- Form Follows Function (1): Stress
- Going to Rack and Ruin in the ‘Stans
- Form Follows Function (2): Vowel Alternation
- Teutonisms as Barbarisms
- Form as Part of Content (ad Antimetabole et al.)
- Explaining ‘advocate for’
- Of Proofs in Puddings and Roosters in Cabbage Soup
- The “Pin/Pen Merger”: An Example of Neutralization
- It’s Chinese to Me
- Pleonastically Extruded Adjectives
- Fatuous Bookishness (“That said,” etc.)
- Imperfect Learning
- Catachresis
- In a Shambles
- The (We)evil of Banality
- Fatuity and the Phatic
- Backing into the Past
- Pleonasm and Other Linguistic Hypertrophies
- Molière Redivivus
- Issues ≠ Problems
- Poetry––Not!
- ‘Head for’ vs. ‘Head to’
- Lenition, Not Voicing
- Failures of Thought
- Superfluous Syndeton
- Syntactic Idioms and Imperfect Learning
- At the End of the Day
- Rhymes with Pomeranian
- Verbal Proprioception
- Discontinuous Lexica
- Semantic Contamination
- Pronominal Prosopopoeia
- Ten Thousand Untruths
- Absolutely the All-Purpose Emphatic
- Triumph of the Ungrammatical
- The Last Straw
- Truncated Postpositions
- Girlized Intonation
- Linguistic Solipsism
- Infantilization of Lexis
- Bad Guys
- The Ideology of Vowel Reduction
- The Vocabulary of Self-Delusion
- Just Plain Folks
- Horror Silentii
- Adjectival Stress on the Wrong Sylláble
- Sound over Sense and the Iconic Impulse
- Sprig of Palestine
- Obama and Bush: A Shared Departure from the Linguistic Norm
- Continuity, Markedness, and the Jakobsonian Mode
- The Reality Is
- Passage Out of Passivity
- Ingratiation by Englessness
- Yiddishized Enumerative Intonation
- Leveling Out the Ablaut Pattern in Strong Verbs
- The Semiosis of Grammatical Error
- Fear of the Objective Case
- Basically the Attenuation of Assertory Force
- Backformation of Compound Verbs
- Sosal Sicurity (alias Social Security)
- If You Like
- Tinkering with Idioms through Contamination
- The Genius of the Mot Juste
- Variation in the Stress of Quadrisyllables
- The Pronunciation of Beijing
- “My Language Is the Sum Total of Myself.” (C. S. Peirce)
- Derived Compound Adjectives: gesunkenes Kulturgut?
- Discourse-Introductory so in Geek
- Morphophonemics of Nominal Derivation: British vs. American English
- *Magnimonious Poster Childs
- Grates otiosae sunt odiosae
- Anglo-Saxon vs. Latinate: The Semantics of Verbal Inanition
- A Stress Shift in a *Triblet of Trisyllables
- The Poetic Frisson of Archaism
- Latter-Day Homage to Pushkin: A Linguistic Exemplum
- The Jazzification of Musical Terminology
- Let Me Be Clear
- Japanese Prosody and Its Distortion in English
- Paralinguistic (Mis)behavior
- Aphaeresis Engulfs Tsunami
- Ignorance and the Insistence of the Letter
- Good Work ≠ Good Job
- Stammering as a Cultural Datum
- Addiction to “Air Quotes”
- DO, v., trans.
- Iconism and Learnèd Plurals
- Memoirs (plurale tantum)
- “Was unterscheidet Götter von Menschen?”
- Idiosyncratic Pronunciations: Tone-Deafness?
- Fragments of a Stylistic Auto-Commentary
- Homo figurans, not sapiens
- Clichés: Corpses from the Necropolis of Dead Metaphors
- Pauses between Words
- Stylistics of the Alveolar Flap
- What’s in a Name?
- The Connotative Content of Regional Accents
- Epiphenomena of Language Use (Nonce Forms)
- Repetition
- Paroemics: The Linguistic Ecology of the Proverb
- Professional Argots
- Error, A Natural History
- The Fading of Oral Tradition
- The Pentagon in Maryland (Sandhi and Prosody)
- Diachrony in Synchrony: Archaisms
- Friends in France (A Vowel Merger)
- O tempora, o mores! (Isoglosses)
- Lambasting the Oblivion of Constituent Structure
- Heterolingual Interpolations (Latin Phrases)
- “You’re Correct:”Hyperurbanism as Hypertrophy
- The Temperature in February (Dejotation)
- Déjà vu––Not!
- The Hidden Homophony in ‘Icon(ic)’
- “I Could Care Less:” A Conundrum Answered
- An Embarrassment of Onomastic Riches
- Incorrect Rection
- Goslings in Oslo (Medial s before Liquids)
- Paronomastic Interference in Language Change
- No(t a) Problem
- Norms and Correctness
- Basically – But Not Fully
- Willy-Nilly
- Three, Not Two
- Rethinking Phonetic Variation (str→∫tr)
- Der Untergang des Abendlandes
- On the Ground, Boots and All
- The Physiognomy of Speech
- Barbarisms
- The Evisceration of Meaning
- Homage to Ignorance
- Reading Pronunciations
- Manhattan
- Running the Show
- Androgyny and the Feminization of Male Speech
- Estrangement by Colloquialism
- Geekish so Aggrandized
- Error Magnified and Exacerbated
- Router
- Female Nasalization: An Apotropaism?
- Rescued from Banality: The Miraculous Word
- ‘Virtuous’ Redefined
- Poetic Consciousness and the Language of Thought
- Just Semantics
- Anaphora
- Rhyme and Its Impact
- Intrusive R (A Sandhi Phenomenon)
- Profanity in the Age of Depravity
- Pluriverbation (Skill Set, Data Point)
- Sound and Sense in a Language’s Bauplan
- Norm, System, Usage, and the Metalinguistic Function
- Different(ly) From/Than
- Please in the Passive Voice
- The Onomastic Infantilization of Females
- The Linguistic Acknowledgment of Human Identity
- Loya Jirga, If You Will
- Phonostylistics
- Enjoy! Whatever . . . (Calques)
- Glottally Catching The Football
- Espying the Spondaic Anapest, Absolutely
- Associative Meaning Fields: Interlingual Gaps and Overlaps
- Voiceless Vowels and Vowel Loss
- Conflation via Opacity of Constituent Structure
- Stylistic Retention of Unproductive Stress Patterns
- The Emotive Value of Transitivization
- The Meretriciouness of Economy of Effort as Explanans
- Metaphors We Die By (Metaphorically)
- Residual Dialectisms as Shibboleths
- Emotive Force and the Sense of Form (Balaam’s Ass)
- The Function of Hieratic Diction (smite, smote, smitten)
- The Significance of Spontaneous Back-Formations
- A Peculiar Case of Metathesis ([æks] < [æsk])
- Linguistic Anaesthetics
- Moldiferate, v., intr. (Portmanteau Words)
- The Pragmatistic Force of Analogy in Language Structure
- Disfluent like: Toward A Typology
- The Alveolar Flap and Secondary Stress
- Eloquence as Power
- A Grammatical Hyperurbanism
- Linguistic Self-Indulgence and Meaning by Indirection
- Prosody and Emphasis
- Speaking Like One’s Fellows (f.)
- Differential Consciousness of Language
- Foreign Accents and Their Perception
- Etymology, Re-Cognition, and Knowledge
- The Fixed Distribution of Synonyms in Idioms
- Pity and Its Lexical Congeners
- Inadvertent Irony Aggravated by Paronomasia
- What Language Does God Speak?
- Unhorsing the Hegemonic Emphatic Absolutely
- Zero, Nil, and the Philological Method
- When Animals Speak (Gender in Fables)
- Seeing Is Not Hearing
- Multiple, Not Many: The Irruption of Bookishness
- Palatalization Across Word Boundaries
- Accent as Entrée
- American vs. British Versions of Idioms
- Words as Acts (The Cultural Context)
- The Vogue for Portmanteau Words (Stupravity)
- Nicht alles geht nach Regeln (contra Kant)
- Leaning Obama, Voting Romney
- Exactly Wrong
- Idiomaticity (Anent Freedom and Constraint in Language Use)
- Forms of Address (The Dignity of Namelessness)
- The Variability of Inner Speech
- Cacoglossia (Broken English)
- Style Reconceived (Toward a Global Theory)
- Rife with Error (Extemporaneous Speech)
- Über die Motive des menschlichen Handelns (‘On the Motives of Human Behavior’)
- A Possible Metrical Substrate for a Phraseological Cliché (“Exactly Right”)
- Linguistic Decorum and the Meliorative Function of Language
- Language as an Aesthetic Object
- The Promiscuousness of Irony as a Rhetorical Label
- Islands of Englessness in Seas of Normativity
- The Prowess of Systemzwang
- Adjusting Speech to the Linguistic Competence of One’s Interlocutor(s)
- ‘Atrocity’, Not ‘Tragedy’
- Element Order and the Grammar of the Second Amendment
- The Decline of Straight Talk and the Rise of Linguistic Dross
- The Power of Prosody (“Please exit through the rear door.”)
- The Metrical Substrate of a Phraseological Cliché II (“At the End of the Day”)
- Semeiotic Neostructuralism and Language
- “It’s OK by Me” as a Syntactic Calque
- Cultural Cachinnation as a Paralinguistic Phenomenon
- Hic Sunt Leones
- Markedness, Tense-Number Syncretism, and the Etiolation of the Subjunctive
- Nominalism and Realism in Linguistics from a Neostructuralist Perspective
- Reconceiving Linguistics in the Light of Pragmaticism: Language Analysis as Hermeneutic
- Metanalysis as Explanans of a Common Solecism (*between you and I)
- Colloquialism as Emphasis (“ain’t”)
- The Psycholinguistics of Everyday Life (Paroemics)
- A Case of Linguistic Atavism (“kick the can down the road”)
- Hidden in Plain Sight (Allegoresis)
- Vocal Timbre and Authoritative Speech
- The Frenchification of Spanish Words in English (Chávez)
- The Dictionary Errs (Rhymes with Purrs)
- A Variation on Free Variation
- Annoying Speech Mannerisms
- Variable Forms of Address as an Indicator of Social Instability
- Iconicity in Action (Singulative Deverbal Nouns)
- Diagrams and Diagrammatization in Language
- Further Thoughts on Disfluent like
- The Telos of Linguistic Change
- Generational Slippage in the Retention of Obsolescent Vocabulary
- Terms of Affection and Their Gradience
- The Rise of multiple as a Substitute for many
- Misuse of the Word gentleman
- Sound-Sense Alignment of Word Class (Interjections)
- Secondary Stress and Constituent Structure
- The Vanishing Article in Phraseologisms
- Affectation as Incipient Sound Change
- Lost in Transliteration (Russian Hypocoristics in English)
- Prior to Instead of before: A Hyperurbanism
- “That’s a (Really) Great/Good/Interesting Question”
- Phonetic Indicators of Word Unity
- Slave to Ignorance
- Hypertrophic Emphasis in Neology (begrudging[ly])
- Attenuation of Arbitrariness in the Semantics of Quantification
- The Communicative Upshot of Uptalk
- Grammar as Fundament of Thought and Knowledge
- The Uniqueness of Human Language: Meaning by Indirection
- Well and Good (in re “I’m good”)
- Syncope in Consonant Clusters
- A Case of Pleonasm Syntactically Diagrammatized
- ‘Cognitive’ as a Shibboleth and the Irrelevance of Neuroscience
- The Perils of Propitiation in Female Speech
- Persistence of the Irrational in Everyday Speech
- An Alternate Intonational Contour in Sentences with the Vocative
- Grades of Well-Formedness in Language (Cacoglossia)
- Swimming in Semeiosis
- Is There a Logic of Linguistic Error?
- Words in Desuetude
- The Supersessionist Drift of American English
- Degrees of Linguistic Self-Awareness (Anosognosia)
- An Interstitial New Meaning of ‘Multiple’
- “Going Forward” (The Triumph of Agency)
- A Unique Case of Vowel Harmony in English (lambaste)
- Etymology as Present Knowledge
- “Heiße Magister, heiße Doktor gar” (Goethe, Faust, Pt. 1, “Night”)
- Linguistic Slovenliness as a Failure of Thought
- Stomping Ground (Folk Etymology)
- Style as Troping
- Linguistic Tokens and Grammatical Opacity (“You’re welcome.”)
- You Are What You Say (Verbal Tics)
- Icon You Not (Ruing the Buzzword)
- Statistical Norms of Speech Production
- Words Qualified and Contrasted
- Emphasis in Spoken English and Its Abuse
- Harmony, Linguistic and Musical
- A Heraclitean Gloss on the Nature of Speech
- The Case of the Missing Postposition (“Thanks for having me.”)
- The Lure of Latin (Sherlock Holmes and the Science of Abduction)
- The Mentality of a Neologism (game-changer)
- The Supersession of Literal Meaning (incredibly, unbelievably)
- Twerk: An Etymology
- Accent and Dialect Differentiated
- The Ethical Dative, Lost But Not Forgotten
- Baring the Grammatical Underbelly of a Hypercorrection
- Prestige and Language Change
- Latino and Its Linguistic Congeners
- Adjectival Derivation (anent short- and long-lived)
- Paronomasia in Proverbs (“For every Jack there’s a Jill.”)
- Linguistic Formulas and Sincerity (“Thanks for asking.”)
- The Fading of Oral Transmission of Linguistic Norms
- Drift as the Triumph of the Iconic in Language Change (less vs. fewer)
- Cultural Differences in the Reception of the Graeco-Roman Patrimony
- The Stress of Foreign Nomina Propria (Kiev, Ukraine)
- The Emotive Use of Dialectal or Non-Standard Speech
- Absence of Number Concord in Subject-Predicate Grammar
- The Function of Phonetic Ellipses (Syncope and Voiceless Vowels)
- Auto- and Hetero-Referential so
- Of Twits, Twitters, and Tweaks (Sound-Sense Parallelism as Explanans)
- Language as a Template for the Conceptualization of Reality
- The Tyranny of Usage––Literally (Ahem!)
- Sound as an Icon of Sense (meld)
- Ideology and Semantic Change (sex and gender)
- Tenues and Mediae in English
- Ideology and Grammatical Error (The Feminine Pronouns)
- World-View and Untranslatability (The Case of Yiddish)
- Sinning Against Usage (Dead Last, but Flat Broke)
- Phrase, Not Term
- Barba non facit philosophum (The Power of Proverbs)
- Productive but Wrong (Childish Linguistic Errors)
- Gender-Specific Designations of Human Referents: Vacillations in Usage
- The Mangling of French by Speakers of American English
- Assertion sub rosa (Lengthening of Clause-Final Unstressed Syllables in Female Speech)
- Ersatz English
- Mispronunciations in Ersatz English (colleague)
- Fossilized Speech and Its Episodic Disinterment (“во дни тягостных раздумий о судьбах моей родины”)
- “You Talk Like a Lawyah!”
- Epenthetic N (Neither . . . Nor)
- Unstressed Vowels and the Demoticization of Vocabulary (synod, ebola)
- The Pathos of Everyday Life 1 (Ronkonkoma)
- Ticastic like in Non-Native English
- The Pathos of Everyday Life 2 (eros and agape)
- The Metalinguistic Function (Free Variation and Self-Correction)
- Macaronic Language (A Contemporary Specimen)
- Language and Prestige (The Erroneous Pronunciation of err)
- The Pathos of Everyday Life 3 (Goethe: “Die Nacht schuf tausend Ungeheuer”)
- The Pathos of Everyday Life 4 (“Но с хорошенькими мисс/Я иду на компромисс!”)
- Adjectival Government
- Irrefragably!
- False Analogy (inherent[ly])
- The Stress of Adverbialized Prepositional Phrases
- A Semantico-Syntactic Portmanteau (Enjoy!)
- Of Eths and Thorns
- Hypermetrical Stress for Emphasis in Adverbs
- Desyllabication of /n/ in Consonant Clusters
- The Drift toward Linguistic Hypertrophy in American English
- Latin as the Verbal Weapon of Choice in English
- The Frisson of Etymological Discovery
- The Markedness of the Female Sex
- America’s Linguistic Hegemony and Its Cultural Locus
- The Pathos of Everyday Life 5 (persona ‘mask’)
- Homo habilis and Language: Linguistic Theory as a Theory of Habit
- The Tension between Grammar and Praxis
- Metalinguistic Commentary in Conversation (Error and Normativity in Speech)
- Basically the Englishes
- Muddled Grammar, Muddled Thought (on behalf of ≠ on the part of)
- Hypertrophic Prepositional Complements of Verbs
- Pluralia tantum and Their Contemporary Misconstrual
- Vowel Syncope and Its Functions
- Contraction in Language and Its Stylistic Dimension
- The Vocative and Its Functions in Discourse
- The Pathos of Everyday Life 6 (Language as a Badge of Authenticity)
- Prestige and Language Change
- Speaking like a Native (When the Spirit Moves One)
- Non-Pathological Agrammatism
- Word Length and Emphasis (incredibly)
- Habit, Consciousness, and the Rule of Grammar
- Ticastic so
- Semantic Linearization and Linguistic Hypertrophy
- Paralinguistic Differences between the Sexes (“Vive la différence!”)
- Of Grexit, Brexit, and Other Portmanteau Words
- Normativity, Habit, and Willful Mistakes
- Russian Patronymics
- When Only Learnèd (Recondite, Recherché) Words Will Do
- Grammatical Gender and the Epicene (Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi)
- The Semantic Force of Univerbation
- Sound-Meaning Relations as the Engines of Linguistic Change
- Hypertrophization Continues Apace (definitive, secretive)
- A Grammatical Case of Euphemism (pass)
- Incomplete Voicing in Initial Plosives: A Survival of Immigrant Speech?
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 7 (Authenticity)
- Does the Gorilla’s Avoirdupois Matter?
- The Epidemic of Verbal Misgovernment
- Meaning Is Not ‘In the Head’
- Fear of Linguistic Indirection: British ‘if you like’
- Is Intonation Iconic?
- Shunning the First-Person Pronoun: Onomastic Reference to Oneself
- ‘Before’, Not ‘In Front of’
- The Glossary of Useful Words 1: ‘meretricious’
- The Glossary of Useful Words 2: ‘importune’
- Japanese Prosody and Its Distortion Revisited (Hiroshima)
- The Glossary of Useful Words 3: ‘platitudinous’
- Structuralism as a Theory of Language in the Light of Peircean Pragmaticism
- The Gossary of Useful Words 4: ‘perfervid’
- The Mispronunciation of Wimbledon
- The Glossary of Useful Words 5: ‘captious’
- Self-Awareness and Its Linguistic Dimension
- Prolegomenon to a New Primer on Language
- The Glossary of Useful Words 6: ‘internecine’
- Flashing One’s Ethnic Badge Linguistically
- Language as the Laissez-Passer Par Excellence
- The Glossary of Useful Words 7: ‘meretricious’
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 8 (Russian Proverb)
- The Integrity of Idioms (‘wrap one’s head around’)
- The Advent of Uptalk in British English
- The Rise of Compound Adjectives Involving Postposition (‘food-insecure’ et al.)
- The Glossary of Useful Words 8: ‘indecorous’
- The Vagaries of Yiddish vs. Hebrew as Reflected in American English
- Living Norms in Language
- Meaning and the Continuum in Language
- Grammatical Errors and Imperfect Learning (Verbal and Adjectival Government)
- The Glossary of Useful Words 9: ‘pullulate’
- Orthoepic Shibboleths (*good-paying and *electóral)
- The Sense of Grammar (Mood and Number)
- The Glossary of Useful Words 10 & 11: ‘sycophantic’ & ‘calumniate’
- The Power of the Amphibrach (treméndous)
- Capturing the Love Object in Words
- For Emphasis (absolútely)
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 9 (Variations on the Speaking Self)
- Meaning and the Trirelative Semiotic Orientation of Language
- When Only a Foreign Locution Will Serve (German erblich belastet)
- The Groves of Academe (Not Academia)
- Self-Irony and the Linguistic Fashioning of Personality
- The Glossary of Useful Words 12: punctilious
- Idiosyncrasies in Lexica (Tea with/without Sugar in Russian)
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 10: Mother’s Day 2017
- Addendum: Lost in Translation
- Speech Styles and Their Pathological Misuse
- Degrees of Veracity of Utterances (“to be honest”)
- Grammar and Usage: The Abuse of the Vocative
- American English as a Typologically Hypertrophic Language
- Language as Semeiotic: The Example of the Russian Verb
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 11: Japan Redivivus
- Linguistic Purism
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 12: Words with Private Meanings
- Syntactic Change Is Always Semantic Change: A Case in Progress
- For the Nonce: Spontaneous Neologisms in Speech
- Done and Dusted: Paronomasia as a Form of Emphasis
- Is Intonation Iconic? The Question Refined
- The Second Amendment Revisited (Anent the Recent Events in Las Vegas)
- Stress Retraction and the Principle of Marked Beginnings
- Teleology, Markedness, and Linguistic Change (Strong Verb Ablaut)
- “Patently Incorrect:” The Interplay of Grammar, Norm, and Habit in Speech
- The Alogical Effacement of Meaning
- ‘ Ab und zu Exzellenz.’ (Repetition and the Lure of Excessive Metaphoricity)
- The Waxing and Waning of Phraseologisms (British ‘if you like’ and American ‘if you will’ Revisited)
- Adjectivization of Verb Phrases and Its Contemporary Vogue
- Is the So-Called ‘Vocal Fry’ an Apotropaism?
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 13: Hypertrophic Noses Everywhere
- Violations of Well-Formedness
- Archaisms and Gravitas: A Cross-Linguistic Example from the New Testament
- “Awesome” and “Fantastic” (The Triumph of the Phatic)
- Why Do People Say Things Like “From the get/git-go?”
- The Arbitrariness of Meaning
- Evaluating Conversational Content as a Matter of Linguistic Habit
- Synonymy and Terms of Use
- Social Values and the Stiff Upper Lip as Reflected in Language
- An Amuse-Bouche from My Wife the Metaphysician, or Lady Murasaki’s Revenge
- Anosognosic Repetition of Words
- Meaning is Not in One’s Head but in the Semiotic Web
- Absolutely, Great, Fantastic, Tremendous (Trump-Speak Unmasked)
- Linguistic Norms and Their Violation as a Shibboleth
- Logorrhea and Public Speech
- Clichés as Failures of Thought
- “If I’d Had My Druthers” (Form as Part of Meaning)
- How Some Other Linguists Assess Y-H-B’s Work (ca. 2011)
- Every Creature Wants to Express Itself
- Interrogative Intonation in the Service of Politesse
- Schwa in Unstressed Syllables as between British and Amderican English
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 14: On the Sociology of Knowledge
- Syntactic Arbitrariness and Analogical Leveling in Language Change
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 15: Two Russian Proverbs and a Poem in Prose
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 16: When Words Fail One
- Asserting One’s Bona Fides
- Vocabulary as an Indicator of Intelligence
- Norms of Professional Jargons
- Broad and Flat A in American English Redivivus
- The Lability of Grammatical Categories in Contemporary American English
- The Pronunciation of Foreign Words in English
- Basically Rampant, No Longer Couchant
- Change in Grammar as a Change in Conceptual Structure (“based on” vs. “based around”)
- Repetition Compulsion and Anosognosia in Language Use
- Synonymy, Semantic Distinctions, and the Uniqueness of Russian
- Mispronunciation and the Limits of Linguistic Tolerance
- Addendum re Mispronunciation
- Mindless Speech
- The Mispronunciation of the Buzzword mantra
- Addendum re mantra
- Stylistic Integrity and Grammatical Variation (“It is I” vs. “It’s me.”)
- Trans-Language Distortions in Pronunciation
- Language as an Aesthetic Object
- Vacillation in the Stress of Ukraine
- The Contemporary Prevalence of Syntactic Dross (“to be honest with you,” etc.)
- How Languages Change
- The Glossary of Useful Words 13: Vexatious
- The English Obstruents Revisited: A Semiotic Analysis
- British Retraction of Stress in Borrowings from French
- The Glossary of Useful Words: gobsmack
- Self-Aggrandizement as the Subcutaneous Motive of Current Media Speech
- Linguistic Habit as an Index of Cultural Fact
- Criteria Is Not a Singular Form
- Linguistic Fads
- Humor Is Not Necessarily Leavening: Platitudes and Causerie
- You Are What You Say (Redivivus)
- The Glossary of Useful Words 15: ‘redoubtable’
- Grammar in the Time of the Plague: The Malleability of Language
- Trump’s Incessant Repetition of Certain Words as an Indication of an Underlying Pathology
- Repeating A Post from May 2013: “That’s A Really Good/Great Question”
- Language as Semeiotic: The Peircean Underpinnings
- Whatever Happened to ‘splendid’?
- Speaker’s Vocal Timbre as an Inspirer of Auditor’s Confidence
- Repetition Is the Mother of Learning
- The Aesthetic Criterion in Evaluations of Ordinary Speech: Deviations from the Standard, Foreign and Domestic
- British English ‘if you like’: An Apotropaism?
- Intimate (Hypocoristic) Word Play in the Time of the Plague
- The Glossary of Useful Words 16: ‘garrulous’
- Anosognosic Speech Habits: Just an Idiosyncrasy?
- Ignorantia linguae non excusat
- “Wow!” and Other Linguistic Detritus
- The Glossary of Useful Words 17: ‘otiose’
- †Jacobus Primus
- Enjoy!
- Prolegomenon to The Logic of Language: A Semiotic Study of Speech
- Irregular Assimilative Voicing in English
- The Glossary of Useful Words 17: ‘vainglory’
- Grasping at Straws
- Persistence of a Catachrestic Phrase (*good-paying)
- Buzz Phrases (“in terms of”)
- When English Just Won’t Serve, French Comes to the Rescue
- Further to Linguistic Dross in American Media Language
- Differences in Speech Styles: Garrulity vs. Taciturnity
- “Hesitancy” vs. “Hesitation:” The Dominance of Grammatical Structure
- The Glossary of Useful Words 18: ‘afflatus’
- The Glossary of Useful Words 19: ‘quixotic’
- The Psycholinguistic Pathos of Everyday Life 17: Molière Redivivus Redivivus
- The Glossary of Useful Words 20: ‘ebullient’
- The Persistence of Linguistic Change (str > shtr)
- Further Thoughts on the Analogy of Language to Music
- Addendum re “Language as Music”
- The Glossary of Useful Words 21: ‘punctilious’
- The Glossary of Useful Words 22: ‘rebarbative’
- Perversion of Meaning (‘caveat’)
- The Meaninglessness of Gestures Accompanying Speech
- Senseless Idioms
- Phonetic Fatuity: The Pronunciation of Taliban
- What, Me Worry?
- Overuse of Words and Concomitant Loss of Semantic Power
- New Uses for Function Words: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
- New Book on Linguistics and Semiotics
- Proposing a Neologism (= new word): Covidaceous
- The Emotive Value of Yiddish
- A New Article by Y-H-B
- Ukraine Yet Again
- The Aesthetics of Speech and Speaking
- Paronomasia in Everyday American Speech
- Comment by Robert Rothstein on Last Post
- Language in the Context of Interpretation and Cognition
- ‘Around’ as an All-Purpose Preposition
- The Last Straw Revisited
- ‘Awesome’: A Current Speech Tic Among Younger Speakers
- The Logic of Language: A Semiotic Study of Speech
- The Word ‘Mentor’ Pronounced Contrary to Its Meaning
- Praise for The Logic of Language
- Book Launch of The Logic of Language
- Addendum Re Book Launch
- Guest Post by Jo Carubia
- Awesome, Perfect, Love It
- Language and Tradition
- Language, Literature, and Poetics
- Raimo Aulis Anttila (1935-2023)
- “For the Love of Language”
- Semantic Expansion: The Case of ‘guy’
- Redefining Arbitrariness in Language
- The Power of the Written Word: Orthography Trumps Grammar
- Roman Jakobson in Retrospect
- Live-Stream for MCL Event, Thursday, 5/18, at 5:30 p.m.
- Michael Shapiro 55th Year In Publishing
- Marianne Shapiro (1940-2003)
- Remembering Romka (alias Roman) Jakobson (1896-1986)
- Anent Marianne Shapiro (1940-2003)
- When the Germans Take Ownership of Foreign Onomastics
- Country–Who? Animacy Triumphant
- Is There Room for Chance in Language Change?
- Mind-Set: A Noisome Buzzword
- The New All-Purpose Referencer (“in terms of”)
- Do Books Have a Fate? (Apropos of The Speaking Self)
- Anosognosia and Political Speak
- Reluctant, Not Reticent
- The Glossary of Useful Words 23: ‘supererogatory’
- The Voiding of Literal Meaning through Overuse (‘absolutely’)
- The Glossary of Useful Words 24: ‘cachinnate’
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